About Us

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Contact Info

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope United States

+0989 7876 9865 9


00+ Years of industry

About us

We are here for you when you need us the most.

Transitional Bio Forensic Cleaning is always dedicated to addressing economic disparities in specific demographics, focusing on marginalized neighborhoods where violence and crime rates are high. Recognizing the financial challenges faced by low-income individuals and families, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic, the organization seeks to provide free bio-hazard cleanup services to those below the poverty standard.

The Department of Health and Human Services Federal Poverty Levels highlight the financial constraints of this population, making it difficult for them to afford essential cleanup. By securing grant funding, Transitional Bio Forensic Cleaning aims to offer necessary materials and equipment, including Personal Protective Equipment, to their certified professionals, ensuring safe and effective cleanup services for public spaces and various environments impacted by traumatic incidents.

This initiative does not address the physical aftermath but also aims to alleviate the psychological trauma experienced by communities, fostering healing and resilience.

Experienced Team
24/7 Availability
Services Available in All States
Our Vision

We are here for you when you need us the most.

Transitional Bio Forensic Cleaning envisions a future where economic disparities in marginalized areas no longer hinder communities impacted by traumatic events.

Our mission is to provide free bio-hazard cleanup services to individuals and families facing financial constraints, particularly those below the poverty standard or destabilized post-pandemic.

By addressing the aftermath of crime and hazardous incidents, we aim to relieve both the financial burden and psychological trauma, fostering healing in communities. With a commitment to certified professionals and adherence to safety standards, our vision is to create environments that support the well-being of those affected, ensuring a smooth transition back to everyday life after unfortunate circumstances.

Mission of Compassion

Our primary mission is to offer free bio-hazard cleanup services to individuals and families grappling with financial constraints, especially those below the poverty standard or affected by post-pandemic destabilization.

Addressing the Aftermath

By addressing the aftermath of crime and hazardous incidents, the organization aims to alleviate both the financial burden and psychological trauma experienced by communities, fostering a healing environment. National Average Biohazard Remediation:

National Average Biohazard Remediation

Prices may vary by demographic, as indicated in the box.

Medical Waste

$2 - $20 per Pound

Animal Waste or Remains

$20 - $25 per 50 lbs Bag

Hoarder Cleanup

$25 - $150 per Hour

Hazardous Chemicals

$30 - $50 per Barrel

Odor Control

$75 - $100 per Hour

Unattended Death

$200 - $300 per Hour

Crime Scene & After Death

$400 - $600 per Hour

Virus Decontamination

$1,500 - $3,500 per Project

Sewage Backup

$2,000 - $10,000 per Project


What Our Customers Say

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Call us 24/7 for Crime Scene Cleanup & Biohazard Cleanup

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